

First of all, thanks for visiting my blog! This is my first shot, so give me a break - I'm still learning. A quick disclaimer: no hate speech will be tolerated. I strongly encourage others to comment and I welcome different points of view, but please don't say anything offensive -- I will delete your comment. Thank you!

The topic of discussion is and always will be the 1990's. I grew up in the 90's and have been infatuated with the era my entire lifetime - particularly the first 5 years. I encourage everyone to add their own comments to what will eventually become a discussion of everything relative to the decade, from Clueless to flannel, Pearl Jam to the Clinton administration. This is a place to remember and to rant!

"In 1993, Nirvana ruled the airwaves, Seinfeld was the king of prime time and Beavis and Butt-head were born."


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenna,

I love that you are blogging about the 1990's. I too am interested in this era since it was the one we grew up in. It's interesting to look back now as an adult. You were spot on by making Seinfeld the topic of your first post. What a great way to begin your discussion of this era as it continues to leave its mark in 2008.
Keep up the good work!

Emily M.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! It's not easy remembering everything about an entire decade, but I hope that you'll find my other posts to be interesting and relevant :)